04 January 2011

The Exorcist

tUMD 4, Tarnished Knights 1
tUMD 4, Tarnished Knights 2

So, we all knew that some strange and terrible force had taken over the Bulldogs somewhere between the closing of the DECC and the games at Mariucci. Perhaps AMSoil Arena was built on a Native American burial ground, or maybe it was the ghost of Christmas Past, or it could be some guys used a Ouija board to try to contact Pat Burns.

But yes, somehow and someway, the Bulldogs fell under a demonic possession.

And they exorcized their demons this weekend, at the expense of Mike Seidel, Drew Olson, and Joe Basaraba. Here is a re-enactment of what went on the past few nights. (Sorry, embedding was disabled.)

Superb job in both games, comrades. See you this weekend for the first win in AMSoil Arena!!

(No Numbers because I got a new computer and the Excel file is still on the old one.)

1 comment:

BBEF said...

I blame the Ouija board FOR SURE and I say hello from my temporary hell...I mean home... in Grand Rapids MI.