14 April 2008

Let's Talk About DECCs, Baby!

Let's talk about you and me, let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that will be...

Er... yeah. I had a flashback there. Anyway, I'm SO EXCITED!! I can't believe we are going to have an amazing new arena in just a few years!!! Of course, by that time, I plan on living in Duluth and becoming a season ticket holder. Then my "encouragement" can be heard at ALL HOME GAMES. We will win many games. I know how to motivate people; I learned from some of the best gunnery sergeants in the Marine Corps.

I found a nice little clip from the news up in Duluth about the new DECC, with some reactions and comments from Sandy, Chad Huttel, and Justin Fontaine. Chad Huttel reminisces about the current rink's history, and luminaries that graced the ice like Derek Plante and Brett Hull. I call b.s. on that, since Chad Huttel was, like, -4 years old when Brett Hull came to tUMD. Justin Fontaine says what we're all thinking: we're going to get better recruits now, and players like him will have to go to Bermidji. (Just kidding Justin! I heart you!) Not that our current crop of recruits is anything to turn your nose up at. Justin also pronounces "hockey" so cute, with his Canadian twang. The clip also made me want to buy a car from Sonju Superstore in Two Harbors. Maybe one with a transmission that doesn't make me nervous. Then I can safely go visit MEg this weekend.

This is HUGE for the city of Duluth and for tDogs. First of all, this will create non-waitressing jobs for people in Duluth, which is great for the city's economy. Second of all, the venue will be able to host a lot more great events, so they'll be able to pack a lot more people into Star Trek conventions or Gordon Lightfoot concerts. Word on the street is that Gordon Lightfoot kind of sucks in concert, but my source on that is pretty old. As for relevance to this site, it means more people will come to the games. Terrence Mann told me so. Maybe they won't be lifelong fans, but hey, it's revenue. I just hope ticket prices won't be prohibitively expensive. I mean, when you make as much money as I do, you don't write checks, straight cash, homey, but that doesn't mean that I want to get gouged like a root canal patient at Dr. Parkinson's Dental Clinic of Death.

I would like to thank all the folks who worked so hard on the Arena YES! push, as well as those who lobbied to get this passed through the legislature, and for the state legislators and the Governor for listening to the people of Duluth and FINALLY making this mofo a reality. Word to your mothers.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome for Duluth and the Dogs! :)

Anonymous said...

The only bad thing is I heard this will be on the other side of the current DECC, which means the sprint to tGarden between periods may be a bit more difficult. :( FHG

Dirty said...

Will the men's team even be allowed to play in the new arena or will everyone's favorite chancellor make it "No Boys Allowed" Club?