28 November 2010


Continuing our farewell party for tDECC on RWD, I'm going to direct you over to the Maroon Loon blog, where Ben has posted a video done by the Maroon Loon from 83-86. It's ten minutes long but it's pretty fun. Celebrity appearances by Mike Sertich, Bruce McLeod, and Marsh Nelson!

Also, please email me at runwiththedogs(at)hotmail(dot)com with any DECC memories you have, big or small, funny or sad, hockey related or not, college or high school or other. I will be doing a big post later this week with DECC memories, IF people actually come through for me. There is also a thread on tPB with DECC memories. Don't worry if your best memory has already been mentioned, just get your story and your perspective out there!


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