06 February 2010

Carnival Carnage

tUMD 1, Carnies 3

Last night, I had the following text conversation with a friend who I will call "TC." And no, not the Twins mascot, sadly. I don't think he can text as he is a bear.

TC: What's happening??????
RWD: Armageddon.

Ok, it's really not that bad. This may blow the minds of the entire collective consciousness of this world, but I'm not even that upset about it. In part because my best friend is a Michigan Tech fan, and in part because I just feel so badly for Michigan Tech's players and the seasons they have had. But also there's just nothing specific to get enraged about. From what I understand, we got lucky with the refereeing as Fulton's penalty could very well have been a fiver. I suppose the angriest I was during the game was when Ciskie made it sound like it was a five minute penalty and then went to commercial break. Thank goodness for Kevin Pates' live blog, or I would not have known it was only a two.

Actually that is a lie because the angriest I was during the game was the first 10 minutes or so when the Interwebs were malfunctioning and I could not get the game feed on either WDAX or pasty.net. And really, one has to be desperate to type www.pasty.net into their browser.

I don't have any Numbers right now, but other than On Notice there isn't anything to update. Bleah.

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